We started our first day of ultrasound training in Khammouane Province in central Laos. We have 22 trainees from 11 Districts – some of them are experienced in ultrasound and some are not. All but four are women, which is unusual for our ultrasound courses which usually split 50-50. One pic shows our senior faculty […]

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Day 3: Today, in Emergency Clinical Training, the students learned about and practiced the pulmonary exam, pulse oximetry, and neonatal resuscitation.     Day 4: Today, the students learned about and practiced the abdominal exam and evaluation of blood sugar.

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The College of Health Sciences Emergency Clinical Training started today for 82 physician associate (PA) students. The students learned about and practiced the medical history, vital signs, and the cardiovascular exam.

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HLI Seattle conducted a 4- day advanced ultrasound workshop led by a Lao radiologist, Dr. Molina Choummanivong from the University of Health Sciences and HLI physician Dr. Cam McIntyre. 36 physicians traveled from rural areas in multiple districts within 3 different provinces in the Lao PDR to attend. These physicians completed the basic ultrasound workshop […]

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January 6, 2017 Orientation was held for 82 physician associate students to begin their two week Emergency Clinical training at the College of Health Sciences in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. All students participated in a game to learn team building and leadership skills.  

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In 2017, Health Leadership International piloted an innovative Training of the Trainer workshop for 12 Lao physicians from four different provinces as well as residency programs in Vientiane. The participants were trained in effective teaching and assessment methods for medical education. This 4-day workshop focused on strengthening teaching methods in emergency assessment for rural physicians, […]

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In HLI’s first TOT (Training of the Trainer) course, 12 doctors from 5 different provinces in Lao gathered in Luang Prabang to learn how to teach teaching methods for emergency clinical courses. Throughout the first three days of the course, these doctors became well acquainted as they participated in various interactive exercises on methods of […]

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