In Cooperation with the Lao PDR Ministry of Health and the University of Health Sciences, Health Leadership International conducted nine annual Medical Leadership training seminars from 2009 to 2017. The three-day training included workshops in Strategic Planning, Quality Management, Grant Writing, 5’S, Patient Experience and Root Cause Analysis.
The Medical Leadership Trainers included: Cam McIntyre M.D., S. Reba McIntyre M.S.W, M.P.A., Ph.D. & Bill Haggerty M.B.A in cooperation with Lao Medical leaders, Sichanh Hinpanphanh M.D. & Virack Vidamaly M.D.
“We had two excellent Lao Medical Education faculty, Dr. Virack and Dr. Sichanh, who gave us valuable examples of leadership in from their medical settings. The Ideas presented in this training can help our hospitals and clinics run more effectively.” (Medical Leadership – Trainee Evaluation Comment)
The HLI Leadership seminar opened with a discussion of the HLI model for a successful organization and the importance of systems thinking and quality management.
Utilizing, traditional lecture, video, interactive media like Turningpoint Technology, small group problem solving, role playing and creative competition, HLI provided interactive courses that improved the leadership skills in medical and hospital management.
Input was then received from the participants as to the major challenges they saw as medical leaders in the field of health care. The consensus was that a “Lack of Trained Staff” presented their greatest challenges at both the District and Provincial levels.
All the presentations were presented in both English and Lao languages. All attendees received both a training manual with the PowerPoint presentations in Lao and English and a USB with the digital versions of the presentations.
At the completion of the training, we presented each district and provincial participant with a certificate, a USB of all the PowerPoints , a leadership handbook of PowerPoints in Lao, and three books recently translated by HLI Where There is No Doctor, Where Women Have No Doctor and a book and CD on Medical English entitled English for Health Professionals.